In different parts of the world especially African and Asian continents, students
attend classes and taught in groups using the same method of teaching applied
to all students irrespective of whether or not they have the same method of
taking and assimilating information (learning style). This contributed negatively
towards the development of educations in some countries of those continents. To
tackle such problems, an intelligent and adaptive learning system should be the
focal point in order to ensure faster and better performances in the learning
process. One of its advantages is to help learners and teachers to discover
students’ learning preferences. Learning Style is the various ways or approaches
of learning. They involve educating method, particular to an individual that are
presumed to allow that individual to learn best. Learning preferences can then
help learners to find their most effective way to learn conveniently. It can also
help teachers to adopt/prepare suitable learning materials for efficient learning
process. This paper is concerned with the study, implementation, and application
of a web-based learning style index. In this paper we examine the learning style
of students in Asia and those in Africa, Nigeria and Japan as a case study.
However, this paper also compares the learning preferences of students in those
two above mentioned continents.
Based on the study, we also give some recommendation to enhance the learning processes in those countries.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Aims and Objective
1.3 Scope and Limitation
1.4 Methodology
2.1 SQL
2.2 Web Server
2.3 Apache Web Server
2.4 Apache Tomcat
2.5 Learning Style
2.5.1 Dimensions of Learning Style
2.6 Related Works on Learning Style
2.7 Learning Style Index
3.1 Enhanced Learning style Index
3.2 Implementation
3.3 Web Application
3.3.1 Students Modules
3.3.2 Teachers Module
3.3.3 Administrator Module
3.4 Integration in to Intelligent and Adaptive e-learning System
4.1 Learning Style of Japanese students
4.2 Learning Style of Nigerian Students
4.3 The Comparism
4.4 Global Result and Implications
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Suggestion and Recommendation
5.4 Challenges
5.5 Future work
During the past decade, educational research has identified a number of factors that account for some of the differences in how students learn. One of these factors, learning styles, is broadly described as cognitive, effective and physiological traits that are relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to learning environment.
This research work uses an online learning style index (LSI) to determine the learning preferences of students based on their responses to answering some questions with multiple choice answers on a questionnaire to the best of their ability. The system will automatically categorize the students as Active/Reflective, Sensing/Intuitive, Visual/Verbal, Sequential/Global or Social/Emotional learners. Learning style index can help learners to know their learning preferences to enable them select/find out suitable learning materials in order to boost their learning process. Moreover, teachers can take this advantage to measure their students’ learning preferences, which they can use to setup/adjust their teaching styles and to find out the necessary materials or equipment to match their students’ learning capabilities. It is very important to know the learning preferences of an individual or group of students so as to avoid mismatch between leaner’s learning style and the available learning or teaching materials.
This system is an improvement of Felder-Silverman learning model, which was developed mainly for engineering students. We found that the quiz system of Felder-Silverman learning style model allows students to choose between two alternatives, just like true or false in logic, but however, in life we can find so many things that may not necessarily be black or white. Therefore, Felder-Silverman learning style index needs to be extended to give students an opportunity to choose one out of five options.
The enhanced learning style index (ELSI) is implemented using java as an applet, and integrated in to a web-based system which is connected to an SQL database using java database connector (JDBC). It is essential to use database so that we can analyze the enhanced learning style index for group of learners and help teachers to get general view of the learning preferences of their students.
To test this system, some data were collected from engineering students (male and female) in various schools and universities in Nigeria to analyze their learning styles and make comparative analysis between this result and that of the same type of students from Japan.
Learning styles index is aimed at knowing an individual or group of students’ learning preferences, in order to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of educational activities.
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Item Type: Postgraduate Material | Attribute: 51 pages | Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word | Price: N3,000 | Delivery: Within 2hrs
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