This thesis studies and discusses the impact leadership management has on employee creativity and output. In order to bring out the best in an employee, the role job satisfaction and performance appraisal play can’t be underestimated in the working environment.
The research was approved by the human resources department of Lorna LTD, the case company, to ascertain the level of contentment of its employees. The purpose of this research is to maximize employee output at Lorna LTD and recommend effective solutions to address the situation.
In order to improve the level of performance, the level of employee satisfaction has to be identified. The author assisted the employers to carry out a survey to measure the level of dedication and commitment of the employees towards the organization. Data was collected by interviews, observations, questionnaire and content analysis of company’s data base and website.
The outcome of the study indicated that half of the employees were dissatisfied while the rest were indifferent. The leadership style has to be analyzed and restructured to improve employee productivity and work place success.

Keywords: employee, management, satisfaction, performance, leadership, research.

            1.1       Background
            1.2       The objectives, research question and scope of the thesis
            1.3       Research strategy and methods
            1.4       Thesis theoretical framework and structure

            2.1       Leadership theories by gurus
            2.2       Leadership and leadership styles
            2.3       Leadership approach
            2.4       Job satisfaction as explained by scholars
            2.5       Kinds of Job satisfaction
            2.6       Impact on employee
            2.7       Improved productivity
            2.8       Increased Commitment

            3.1       Research context: Lorna Ltd briefly
            3.2       Acquisition of research materials
            3.3       Research data processing and analysis


5          CONCLUSION
            5.1       Improvement suggestions for Lorna Limited
            5.2       Assessment of the research


This chapter provides a general outlook of the research. The beginning of the chapter concentrates on the thesis background, followed by the objectives, research questions and scope of the thesis. The research strategy and methods are presented in chapter 1.3, while the theoretical frame-work is shortly presented in chapter 1.4 and the structure of the research is described in the preceding chapter as well.

1.1 Background
Leadership varies in definition due to its complexity and diverse contexts ranging from business to politics and organization. Most leadership gurus have discrepancies in their definition and none seem to share the same view about its actual meaning. However, one of the foremost thinkers of leadership and leadership development, John Adair, describes leaders as a fore shadow or reflection of what they expect from their subjects. He argued that leaders must personify the qualities desired; he noted that for a leader to be successful, one has to attend to the task at hand, the needs of the team and the needs of the individual. (John Adair's Definition of leadership, 2007)

The management of the case study company understands how imperative the research is and the benefits that can accrue from its accomplishment. Lorna LTD deals with manufacturing of Quality hair care products. As the pioneer of the business of hair extension, the company prides itself as the leading hair care products manufacturer in Nigeria. Its success can be attributed to been in touch with the latest trend across the globe, creating outstanding looks, quality and the reasonableness of its pricing. The author chose the topic of this thesis due to his flair for leadership and performance appraisal. Furthermore, the case company also contributed to the success of this thesis by providing all necessary prerequisites, this gave the writer further inspiration in conducting the study. (Lorna, 2013)

The case company, Lorna limited has over one thousand five hundred fulltime workers and it also provides training for amateurs in becoming professional beautician and hair dressing experts.

The Nigerian hair product sector is a free for all market, which means that there is no monopoly and there are lots of competitors. Therefore, improving the employee performance will be an added advantage and a cutting edge for Lorna LTD. Overtime, Lorna LTD has come to realize that happy employees means happy products and services, which might be the key in remaining at the spotlight of hair care product manufacturing in Nigeria. (Lorna, 2013)

1.2 The objectives, research question and scope of the thesis
This thesis aims to improve employee performance by recommending the most suitable leadership style and substitute counterproductive styles for productive ones. The recommended style should be easily applicable and should attract acceptability.

The research question is:

How can the current leadership style be fine-tuned in order to maximize employee output at Lorna limited?

As in most research, the results generated from this research are limited to the confines of the case study only. This is as a result of the fact that the research was carried out under a closely monitored organization and the results might be different if done in another establishment. Also, the re-search does not encompass all the employees working in the case company. However, the principles of leadership remains the same, therefore there will be an element of connectivity wherever this research result is applied.

1.3 Research strategy and methods

A research strategy is a plan followed closely to find information on a particular subject, while a research method on the other hand is a detailed outline on how information will be retrieved, how data is collected and what instruments will be employed. The qualitative research that will be applied includes research methods that are: questionnaire, interviews, group discussions, observation and content analysis.

After juxtaposing various research approach that exist, the author concludes that inductive approach best suites this thesis as it moves from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories. Sometimes called the bottom up approach and might involve a degree of uncertainty, its conclusion is more likely to be based on its premises. (Burney, 2008)...

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 44 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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