FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT IN NIGERIA (A survey of the Mobile Telecommunication Companies)

This Thesis will be highlighting the Investment environment in Nigeria and how the oil industry has dominated FDI inflows to Nigeria since the 1970s and as a result investment in the non-oil sectors has been very low until the past few decades.
The problem statement is that although there have been recent improvements in the political regime and investment policies and reforms; the business environment in Nigeria in the light of foreign investors is still a far cry behind in the improvement of its competitiveness compared to western countries and emerging economies.
The Thesis reveals another lucrative industrial sector in the Nigerian economies which is the Mobile Telecommunications industries having a very high accelerated growth in the region and as well reveals the potential investment opportunities and a way to stimulate and maintain sustainable growth in this sector.
The paper makes some recommendations based on its findings in areas and sectors that needed critical attention especially in implementing reforms that welcomes investors and as well creating enabling environment to enhance optimum use of its natural resources and stimulate the domestic economy besides excessive dependency on oil revenue.

KEYWORDS: Foreign Direct Investment; Mobile Telecommunication Companies, Investors, Government; Environment, Natural resources.



Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.2 The research questions
1.3 The research  relevance
1.4 The research organization

Chapter Two
2.1 Literature reviews and definition of Terms
2.2 Operational definitions
2.3 FDI theories
2.4 The summary of FDI theories and their implications
2.5 The Nigerian FDI Environment
2.5.1 Definition of FDI in Nigeria
2.5.1 The Path of Investments in Nigeria
2.5.2 Investment Reforms in Nigeria
2.6 The FDI trends in Nigeria
            2.6.1    FDI Size and Growth
            2.6.2    Path of FDI reforms in Nigeria
            2.6.3    The Investment policies in Nigeria
            2.6.4    FDI by sector and country of Origin
            2.6.5    Investments in the Nigerian major service sectors
2.7       The Industrial Analysis – The Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications
            2.6.1The Market
            2.6.2    Leading actors in the industry
            2.6.3    Success and Growth rate in the telecom sector

Chapter Three
3.1       The Research methodology
3.2       The Design of the research
3.3       The Population
3.4 The Sample size
3.5 The Online-survey design
3.6 Time span and schedule
3.7 Dependent and Independent Variables
3.7 Validity and Reliability
3.8 Assumptions
3.9 Limitations

Chapter Four
4.0 Results
4.1 Data Analysis

Chapter Five
5.0 Conclusion
5.1 Discussions
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Directions for future research


1.0 Introduction
The population of Nigeria is estimated to be about 150 million. This implies that it has the potential and a huge opportunity to providing a cheap labor to investors seeking low cost business environment. Moreover, its soil is rich in natural resources like Oil, and rare earth metals to mention a few and a potential market for investors coming to do business in this region.
Although there are substantial evidences to attract foreign investors into the Nigerian economy, there are also counter forces discouraging investors from coming in as well. These counter forces include issues like the poor investment reforms, poor basic and high tech infrastructures, down to corruption and ethnic violence in different regions of the country.
The idea behind this research is to give the readers a clear understanding of the foreign direct investment environment in Nigeria and to examine whether the incentive reforms for investors as well as the productive pools of resources could just be sufficient enough to attract investors into the Nigerian business environment.
The significance of the research is that, it will creates a perspective for readers and investors, looking at the foreign direct investment environment in the Nigerian economy and as well cross examines the findings with existing theories considering some of the key FDI indicators and reforms undertaken to attract investors in the light of modern globalization.
To streamline and narrow down the context of the research; attention will be focused on a selected Mobile Telecommunication Industries currently operating in Nigeria. With this purpose in view, the FDI environment as well as the incentive reforms will be evaluated, interpolated and juxtaposed in line with the online survey to substantiate findings as well as recommendations on what could be done to improve the investment environment.

1.1 Proposed Thesis Topic:

§   Foreign Direct Investment Environment in Nigeria- A Survey of the Nigerian Mobile Telecommunication companies.

1.2 Research Questions:

§   Is the FDI Environment in Nigeria considering the Incentive reforms for Investors and the productive pool of resources sufficient to stimulate the Nigerian economic growth?
§   What would you recommend to enhance the investment climate in Nigeria?

1.3 The research relevance
Some of the relevancies of this research are that, it would provide a useful insight into the foreign investment environment in Nigeria thereby serving as a term of reference when making policy that would improve the investment environment. Also the findings could contribute to future academic research with regards to FDI in Nigeria and as well as a term of reference to further researchers on this topic.

1.4 How the research is arranged
The research is arranged in a way that, the 1st chapter explains the introduction, the research questions, the relevance of the research and how the research is patterned and arranged. The second chapter talks about earlier studies and secondary information on the foreign direct investment in general and the investment trends in Nigeria as well as the specific mobile telecommunication sector in Nigeria. In the 3rdchapter, I will be discussing the research methodology; while in the fourth chapter I will be talking about the data analysis and the results from the quantitative online survey. Finally in the last chapter, I will make conclusions about my findings, discussions, as well as recommendation and the path for future research.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 40 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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