My research Project is to develop fingerprint biometrics systems that assist in the elimination of examination impersonation. Up till now, the WAEC examination board (WAEC) is not using fingerprint as mode of identification, this has resulted in people sitting for WAEC examinations for others who collect the result at the end. With the adoption of fingerprint, this will be eliminated as fingerprint; this will be eliminated as fingerprint identification will also be employed during collection of results and certificates. This target can be mainly decomposed into image preprocessing, feature extraction and feature match. For each sub-task, some classical and up-to-date methods in literatures are analyzed. Based on the analysis, an integrated solution for fingerprint recognition is developed for demonstration. My demonstration program is coded using visual studio for the program, some optimization at coding level and algorithm level are proposed to improve the performance of my fingerprint recognition system. These performance enhancements are shown by experiments conducted upon a variety of fingerprint images. Also, the experiments illustrate the key issues of fingerprint recognition that are consistent with what the available literatures say. Main objective is to eliminate any form impersonation during exam by employing a more secured means of fingerprint biometrics.



Formal examination can rightly be defined as the assessment of a person‘s

Performance, when confronted with a series of questions, problems, or tasks set him, in order to ascertain the amount of knowledge that he has acquired, the extent to which he is able to utilize it, or the quality and effectiveness of the skills he has developed.

The Jesuits introduced written examination into their schools in the 16th century. The Definitive Ratio Argue Institution Studiorum of 1599, which was not revised until 1932, contains a code of rules for the conduct of school examinations, which were held annually, and determined whether or not children were promoted to a higher class. During the 19th century, formal written examinations became regular in universities, schools, and other educational institutions. Examinations were also increasingly employed for the selection of recruits to the civil service, and the professions, and to posts in industry and commence. Over the ages, standardized testing has been the most common methodology, yet the validity and credibility of the expanded range of contemporary assessment techniques have been called into question.

There are two types of systems that help automatically establish the identity of a person...

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 108 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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