The main objective of this thesis is to determine the effect of time management on high organizational performance using LASACO ASSURANCE Plc. as a case company.
In this thesis, the employees working with the company were sent questionnaires. Their responses were critically analyzed and thus related to the theories.
A quantitative approach was used as the methodology. According to the theory, time management is a method for managers to increase work performance effectiveness. Time management is probably not as easy as what it is imagined and expected to be; the term time management means different things to different people.
The study brought out the differences between effective time management and time management. It was discovered that the organization has already implemented time management, but it was not effective enough. The test of a hypothesis was conducted using simple regression with the aid of the SPSS software, thus establishing the fact that effective time management is an important tool for high organizational performance.
In conclusion, effective time management is a great tool for obtaining high performance; thus helping organizations to control their financial future and improve productivity.

Thesis abstract
Table of contents
Figures and tables
Terms and Abbreviations
1.1 Background of study
1.2 Brief history of case study
1.3 Statement of problem
1.4 Objective of the study
1.5 Scope of study

2.1 Time and effective time management
2.2 Advantages of time management
2.3 Greg’s ten tips for time management
2.4 Principles for effective time management
2.5 Other principles on effective time management
2.6 Time management behaviors
2.7 Theories on high organizational performance
2.8 Theories for effective organizational performance
2.9 External factors influencing organizational performance
2.10 Model of high organization performance
2.11 Why managers face time management failure

3.1 Purpose of research
3.2 Research approach; quantitative vs. qualitative approach
3.3 Research design
3.4 Study population
            3.4.1 Sampling and sampling techniques
            3.4.2 Research instrument
3.5 Data collection
3.5.1  Sources of data collection
3.6 Data analysis

4.1 Presentation and analysis
4.2 Testing for hypothesis
4.2.1  Regression result
4.3 Validity and reliability
4.4 Study limitations

5.1 Description of target organization and process
5.2 Lasaco mode of operations
5.2.1  Time management in lasaco assurance plc
5.3 Concept of time as a tool
5.4 The mentality of african time



Lasaco Assurance Plc comprises of so many branches in most of state capitals in Nigeria. All these branches give account of their dealings at specific schedule times, so if the time management in a particular branch is not effective an efficient enough, it will affect the overall output of the company as a whole; thus hindering the company from achieving great success.

The main idea of this thesis started from my internship period at the company because I came to realized that time management is not effective managed though the company has an already time management. Effective time management brings a lot of incentives to an organization and its goes beyond just managing time alone.

1.1     Background of study
Time is an essential resource every manager needs to achieve the goals and objectives of an organization. It is so delicate that it cannot be saved but can only be spent and once misused it can never be regained. Every manager is looking for ways to improve time management. Whether it is the management of an organization looking for business improvement or an individual looking for ways to better spend their time, time management is important to both.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary time is defined as a period either long or short, during which you do something or something happens while management is defined as the act or skill of dealing with people or situations in a successful way. According to [Ojo and Olaniyan 2008, 127-133], the following are the attributes of time:

i.        Time is a unique resource.

ii.        It is the scarcest resource in the universe.

iii.        Time cannot be replaced by man.

iv.        Time cannot be accumulated like money.

v.        Time cannot be turned on and off like machine.
vi.        Time cannot be stocked like raw materials.

vii.        Time passes at a pre-determined rate whatever happens.

viii.        Everybody is equally endowed with the same amount of it irrespective of his position.

ix.        Time like any other scarce resource must be managed and used judiciously.

Therefore time management can be defined as a period, either short or long, which involves how people use their time judiciously to produce result. Time management starts with the commitment to change. According to Shirley (2008), better time management can be achieved if goals have been set and then all future work is prioritized based on how it moves the individual or organization towards meeting the goals. The value of time management lies in the fact that people have too many tasks they need to do but not enough time for the things that they want to do. Time management helps identify needs and wants in terms of their importance and matches them with time and other resources Ezine (2008). Time management brings about orderliness and enables one to be more productive and fulfilled.

As a manager, time is an important factor needed to enhance various organizational performances i.e. the way time is being managed in an organization will reflect on its performance either positively or negatively. According to Joshua (2008), the performance of an organization is evaluated in terms of the degree of achievement of the organizational goals and objectives at what monetary costs and efficiency. Effective time management is a major challenge managers in Nigeria are facing today as they have a lot of duties to perform within a limited time.

Performance in an organization revolves round the monetary costs, efficiency (i.e. ability to do something well or achieve a desired result without wasted effort) and effectiveness (i.e. doing the right things more than performing them efficiently). As a manager, both the resources and employees must be properly managed and all priorities must be placed in order of their importance. Time management strategies are often associated with the recommendation to set personal goals.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 83 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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