This thesis work is designed to basically reveal the inefficiencies that are eminent in the distribution process of the Nigerian Bottling Company; which is the company chosen for evaluation in this study; as there are huge losses of funds and other useful resources. The huge loss is as a result of the old and outdated methods employed in the distribution process of its product to its clients and customers. This thesis therefore meets the need to design a new business process that will be suggested to the company to replace the presently used in the supply and distribution unit of the Nigerian Bottling.
For effectiveness and time constraints, the researcher has limited the scope of this study only to the corporate Head Office of the company in Lagos and likewise other neighboring depots within Lagos state since operating process are the same. Observation method were employed and important personnel within the supply chain department of the company were also interviewed in order to confirm and also act as a check on the observed outcome.
Certain flaws such as time waste, income leakages among other were detected from the old business process. Coupled with the fact the sales deliveries are properly planned before hand and customers not given the opportunity to make orders ahead of time. A more robust process was designed and suggested to the firm.


            1.1 Background of the study
            1.2 Purpose of the thesis
            1.3 Research Approach
            1.4 Limitation and Scope of the study
            1.5 Structure of the study
            1.6 The historical background of the case company

2 Theoretical Framework
            2.1 Introduction
            2.2 Business Process Management
            2.3 Business Process
            2.4 Business Process Model
            2.5 Cost Management and Control
            2.6 Cost accounting

3 Research Methodology
            3.1 Introduction
            3.2 Methods of Data Collection
            3.2.1Primary method of data collection
            3.2.2Secondary Method of data collection
            3.3 Methods of Data Collection for this report

4 Process Delivery Analysis of the Nigerian Bottling Company
            4.1 Introduction
            4.2 Mode of Operation and Delivery Process
            4.3 The flaws in the delivery process
            4.4 Overview of the newly designed Process Model
            4.5 Advantages of the newly designed process model over the old model

            5.1 Discussion
            5.2 Conclusion


1.1      Background of the study
Parkinson law states that ‘’as income increases, expenses will also increase’’ (Tracy,, Financial Success, 2008). This implies that, expenses will always catch up with income. This is not only applicable to personal income, but it’s also true for a business firm. Hence, it is not out of place to say that there will be perpetual increase in expenses even when income has remained stagnant over a considerable period of time. In order to ensure that expenditures do not rise above income, there is need to ensure that expenses are closely monitored and adequately controlled, otherwise; expenses will always rise above income; which invariably implies a loss and debt position for the firm.

For any business establishment to attain any height of business survival and continuous existence; there is constant need to always ensure that cost are properly managed and kept to a required minimum in order to ensure that profitability and growth are not hampered.

Since it is relevant and important for a business firm to develop a working business model in every areas of its operation so as to ensure effective use of scarce resources at its disposal; which will invariably ensure profitability; driven by the need to closely monitor expenses and controls it; necessitates the desire for this research work. Effective control of cost and adequate cost management are necessary strategies for business survival and growth.

This thesis work is designed to basically reveal the inefficiencies that are eminent in the distribution process of the Nigerian Bottling Company; which is the company chosen for evaluation in this study; as there are huge loss of funds and other useful resources. This thesis will further come up with a business process that will be suggested to the company to replace the process presently used in the supply and distribution unit of Nigerian Bottling Company. In recent years, most business organization have not taken a cognizance look into controlling income leakages as a result of excess and unnecessary expense line, poor distribution or operational process development; but has rather concentrated much effort on generating revenue which invariably will in the long run take its course on the business survival.

Hence, it is of vital consideration for a business to put in place working internal and cost controls strategies in order to ensure business survival and maintain competitive presence in the market. Business development does not just results; it takes cognitive efforts on the part of the management team to design working modalities that put the firm on the part of actualizing its business goals and purpose. Effective business process development ensures that there is adequate cost management and cost control tools needed for achieving this aim. (Garcia-Pérez-de-Lema, Strategy for business growth, 2011)...

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 47 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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