The project is to design a closed loop system for PET bottle recovery. The purpose is to tackle the issue of indiscriminate dumping of PET bottles and to build a sustainable long term design to enable manufacturing companies reclaim used PET bottles, recycle and reuse the bottles in their manufacturing operations
The thesis consist of the theoretical and the empirical sections which helped the author to divide the project into two different design options to fit the Nigerian context. In order to identify the most important issues to drive initial process to spur the returns of PET bottles, the writer interviewed people who are stakeholders in the industry notably Palpa in Finland, scavengers, and a PET bottle manufacturing company in Nigeria.
Based on the response from the above stakeholders, it was easy but challenging for the writer to note the most important issues to be taken into consideration for the successful implementation of the closed loop system in a country like Nigeria. The project implementation design validate the interview conducted which if implemented will yield the desired result.


1 Introduction
            1.1 Background Information
            1.2 Project Objective and Task
            1.3 Project Significance
            1.4 Key (Terms)
            1.5 Scope
            1.6 Description of Case Company

2 Conceptual framework
            2.1 Green Logistics
            2.2 Close loop system
            2.3 Types of Close Loop System
            2.4 Challenges and Risks of managing close loop systems
            2.5 Internal
            2.6 Reverse logistics systems
            2.7 Benefits of reverse logistics
            2.8 Reasons for returns
            2.9 Current Trends in Bottle Returns
                        Product Recovery Process
            2.10 Evolution of PET bottles in Nigeria
                        Menace of PET bottles/Cans in Nigeria
                        Benefits of closed loop systems in Nigeria

3 Methodology
            3.1 Qualitative research
            3.2 Reliability and Validity

4 Results
            4.1 Network design for returns

5 Project Implementation
            5.1 Steps
                        Organizational Set-up
                        Required Manpower and Training
                        Education of Consumers

6 Discussion and Conclusion
            6.1 Key outcomes
                        Economic benefits
                        Conservation of natural resources
                        Green manufacturing
 Environmental awareness
6.2       Challenges
6.3       Company Feedback
6.4       Analysis of Learning
6.5       Suggestion for future research
List of Figures
Reference List


1    Introduction

The project is designing a return system of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) bottles in Ni-geria. Introducing the closed loop system is a vital component in the designation of this system. There are various means of bottle recollection system worldwide based on the ex-isting infrastructure, knowledge and information and or orientation of consumers. These systems help the recollection process easy and less cumbersome.

Designing a system of return of PET bottles in Nigeria will be peculiar given the different infrastructure and challenges in that part of the world. There’s a growing need for such system considering the menace indiscriminate disposal of these bottles cause. Proper dis-posal and re-use/recycling will be beneficial both to the company and will drive the sus-tainability index of any organisation to the top of its operations.

Indiscriminate disposal can be seen by the dumping of bottles in landfill which can cause environmental impacts and interfere with the ecosystem. Dumping of bottles indiscrimi-nately also affects humans to a large degree and this gave rise to the concept of proper management.

Proper disposal of PET bottles involve the concept of recycling or reuse. The designing of a recollection system in Nigeria will focus on the case company partnering stakeholders in obtaining information which will aid the best approach and ultimately resulting in ensuring the success of such returns. The ever increasing population in most urban cities in Africa has necessitated the need for proper management of solid waste, PET bottles inclusive (Bjerkkli 2005, 1).

The growth of many urban settlements cannot be overlooked. It has given rise for institutions to look into the rising environmental hazards associated with the population explosion. Population in urban settlements in the world is considered to reach an all time high of five billion people in the next 35 years, and an expected 90 percent growth in developing countries (Medina 2002, 1). To this end, many beverage manufacturing companies has resorted to the use of PET bottles to meet the demand of their products. Attention should be drawn to the environmental issues caused by PET bottles. The issue of effective PET bottle disposal management cannot be overemphasised, PET bottles has caused environmental and health issues and it should be effectively tackled.

1.1      Background Information
According to Eyong (2006, 135) concern about sustainable practices and awareness in the developed world is on an ever ascending but not same in most undeveloped parts of the world. With a growth in awareness of depletion of environment also on an ever ascending scale, sustainable practices are the only way companies can maintain robust positions in our competitive world.

Companies all over the world are beginning to act responsibly by taking a look at their op-erations and end products to ensure they do less damage to the environment. Firms have no choice than giving a critical look at the effect of their activities on the environment. Re-sponsible firms would do their best to reduce any negative environmental impact their op-erations would have on the environment. Nigeria as a developing country is facing huge challenges in waste management and improper plastic waste disposal has become a men-ace to the country as a result, firms must begin to take actions to help curb this harm to the environment.

1.2      Project Objective and Task
The overall objective of this project is to design a close loop system for the recollection of PET bottles, building an eco-efficient and environmentally friendly operations as it relates to how companies manage PET bottles.

Project Tasks

·         Designing a recollection system for PET bottle return

·         Propose a development plan to manage the process on the long term

·         Encourage an environmentally eco-friendly attitude among stakeholders

1.3    Project Significance
The significance of the project is to improve knowledge in the area of environmental sus-tainability. Most importantly to tackle the menace of indiscriminate dumping of PET bottles and steer companies to be environmentally responsible in this era of conserving scarce resources.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 47 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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