This study investigated online hospital management system as a tool to revolutionize medical profession. With many writers decrying how patients queue up for hours in order to receive medical treatment, and some end-up being attended to as „spillover‟, the analyst investigated the manual system in detail with a view to finding out the need to automate the system. Subsequently, a computer-aided program was designed to bring about improvement in the care of individual patients, taking the advantage of computer speed, storage and retrieved facilities.

The software designed will take care of patient‟s registration, billing, treatment and payments.

The programming language employed in this work was Microsoft C#.

1.1            Background of the Study
The goal of any system development is to develop and implement the system cost effectively; user-friendly and most suited to the user‟s analysis is the heart of the process. Analysis is the study of the various operations performed by the system and their relationship within and outside of the system. During analysis, data collected on the files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. Krishna medical center, luck now (K. M. C.) is a prestigious hospital situated in the heart of Hazrat Genj with a very large patient capacity. This number is increasing at a rapid pace with each passing day. The management of the hospital is concerned with the increasing effort in keeping records of the patient and recording their activities. Health is generally said to be wealth. It takes healthy people to generate the wealth the nation requires for the general well-being of its people. There is therefore the need for adequate Medicare especially in the area of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Since there is a good relationship between the job output and health of the workers, a good Medicare is vital.
Unfortunately, in most developing nation (including Nigeria), this adequate Medicare is lacking due to how standard of technological know-how and manual handling of most medical problems. As observed by Lyiama H.C. and D.C.

Chukwu, “very often, people in developing countries who are critically ill are rushed abroad for special treatment because it is felt that Medicare facilities at home are inadequate. This is partly because computer – aided Medicare has become a reality in many developed countries”. It is also a known fact that the production of qualified medical doctors and other medical personnel and....

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 62 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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