1.1       Background of the study
1.2       Statement of the Problem
1.3       Aims and Objectives of the study
1.4       Purpose of the study
1.5       Scope of the study
1.6       Significance of the study
1.7       Limitation of the study
1.8       Definition of terms

Literature Review
2.1       Introduction
2.2       Computer and Legal Processes
2.3       Computer and the Law Library
2.4       Computer in the Courts
2.5       Case Scheduling/Documentation
2.6       Organization structure

System Investigation and Analysis
3.1       System Analysis
3.2       System Design
3.3       System Investigation
3.4       Methods of Data Collection
3.5       Input/Output Specification
3.6       System Requirement

System Implementation and Testing
4.0       Introduction
4.1       Evaluation of Database Computerized Documentation System
4.2       Program Implementation
4.3       Documentation and Installation
4.4       Language Selection
4.5       Program Flowchart

5.1       Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.2       Summary
5.3       Conclusion
5.4       Recommendations
Program Interface
Programe Source code

Why does our judiciary continue to use antiquated methods in the courts instead of taking advantage of business automation techniques which has been so successfully utilized by private industry?
This project answers this question and discusses some of the reasons why the courts, especially those in the larger cities, need such automation techniques that is, automated criminal record system.
This information is made available to the courts, law enforcement agencies, and other departments involved with the judicial process.
The judicial arm of government is the third organ of government besides the legislature and the executive.  The major functions of this arm includes setting of case, finding the  quality people and also interpreting the constitution of the land as well as administration of  justice. Other functions include interpreting laws made by the legislative arm of government, declaration of acts of the legislative as null, void, unconstitutional and of no effect.
Moreover, the judiciary is the hope of the ordinary man.  They do this by safeguarding the rights and liberties of the citizens.  The aggrieved person can go to court to seek redress.  It is the job of the court to see to that justice prevails.  Also during elections, courts may determine who actually won the election and rigged it as part of its settlement between individuals and the state. The judiciary operations through courts which ascertain facts disputes and adjudicate between disputing parties.  The Nigerian judicial system is composed of a hierarchy of courts ranging from the customary court (Edo State High Court) Magistrate Court and High Court to the Supreme Court.
In the democratic set up a minister with a port folio heads the ministry of justice.  The minister is also the attorney general of the country.
By virtue of section 6(1) of the Nigeria constitution 1991, the following courts were established in the federal republic of Nigeria.
Ø    State High Court
Ø    The Supreme Court
Ø    Magistrate Courts
Ø    Customary Court of Appeal
Ø    The Customary Court/Native Courts
The courts established by the constitution are the only superior courts of record in Nigeria.  The supreme is the highest court and all decision from the court is binding to all other courts.  In Nigeria, the State court structure of the level of the court of Appeal the court of Appeal entertains appeal from the decisions of the high courts.  The Customary court of Appeal and customer court of appeal.  Appeals from the decision by the court of appeal go to the Supreme Court.
In terms of administration purpose, the state courts are the most important court in each state.  This assertion is strengthened because the constitution has established a high court of each state directly; each state has our option to establish a Customary Court of Appeal or a customary court of appeal.
However, for effective performance of the court in its judicial function, there is need for a computer base system to be introduced into court system. The database system will ensure better control and regular effective documentation of case file as well as scheduling of cases.  This work therefore gives an analysis of the design and implementation of a computerized documentation system for court proceedings taking a case study of Edo State high court.
The Judiciary of the State is a very key component of its judicature. It is made up of judges, non-judge members of staff of the State judicial service, courts/tribunals and other judicial facilities, records and subsisting judgments obtained within the jurisdiction of the State court system which its courts are obligated to defend and enforce. The Judiciary exist, chiefly, to interpret, apply and direct the enforcement of the laws, customs, and conventions that make up thqe State’ legal system. Its sphere also extends to the protection or preservation of contracts, rights and freedoms that define the socio-political and economic space of the Edo State.
It also helps to preserve and protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and corporate bodies in the Edo State from the over-bearing reach of State officialdom or from other non-state entities – including multinational and local organizations that operate in the Edo State. Its reach even extends to the review of decisions of disciplinary panels of various professional and corporate organizations in the Edo State. Courts or tribunals found in the Edo State could be broadly classified as national, state courts. Federal courts have jurisdiction over certain federal matters or objects in any corner of Nigeria. These include the Federal High Court; National Industrial Court; Code of Conduct Tribunal, Investment and Securities Tribunal, etc. These courts are either situated within the Edo State or at a regional headquarter where the Edo State is classified. However, the class of courts with the greater presence and degree of interaction with local residents are Edo State courts. These include the State High Court; Magistrate Courts; Customary Court of Appeal and Customary/Native Courts, etc.
In recent times, alternative dispute resolution practices are becoming integrated into the judicial processes of Nigeria. Thus, not only are arbitral and mediated agreements being given the imprimateur of the Courts for enforcement, they are also being statutorily welded into Edo State courts – as multi-door Courts.
There are many methods that being used in law court proceeding system.
(1)     Lack of computer for storage of court proceedings. There is tendency of Edo State Federal high court to loose some files which will bring distrust to them.
(2)     Lack of trained personnel as computer operator and computer analysis.
(3)     Due to the computer is not appropriately applied in court proceeding the people that handle the case can falsity some documents and try to take bribe to free hoodlums.
Due to the problem mentioned above, the manual of court proceedings is clumsy and insufficient.
The aim of the study is to design a software that will be able to store a very large volume of court proceeding that will satisfy the following objective.
             I.      Retrieve and store document related to court records.
          II.      Retrieve and update court record.
       III.      Protection of confidential type of data stored.
The effects of the pearled towards the gathering of sufficient information that would help in making suggestion as how the Federal court will be storing the court proceeding.
It high to increase the efficiency and productivity of bank services with the increased utilization of internet court proceeding service system.
This study is also undertaken to ease the problem associated with court proceedings in Federal High Court and also to create awareness for the use of computer software in the legal Aid council.
This work covers only the legal aspect of the Legal Council at Federal High Court in Edo State. Hence, the administration files are not considered....

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 55 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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