ADOPTION OF E-COMMERCE IN NIGERIAN BUSINESSES (A change from traditional to e-commerce business model in Richbol Environmental Services Limited)

The emergence of e-commerce is changing many traditional ways of doing business and there are lots of success story regarding e-commerce in developed countries. These successes have prompted governments and business organizations in developing countries including Nigeria to step up their effort in the adoption and use of e-commerce technology.

The rapid rise of e-commerce has brought with it a large amount of e-commerce business models which are more easy to implement, run, and profit-oriented. With these rapid changes in business environment and processes, it has become paramount for traditional businesses to “move along with time” by changing their business model in order to remain relevant and competitive in this modern time.

The aim of this research is to examine various e-commerce business models and recommend one that fits into the business processes of Richbol Environmental Services, and device a way(s) in which it can be implemented. In other words, focus is on the change of business model from brick-and-mortar to e-commerce business model.

Qualitative research methodology was utilized in this study. The qualitative research data consisted of two in-depth interviews with key managers of Richbol Environmental Services Limited. The respondents who are directly involved in the management of the company gave an in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of their business model, and also indicated their desire to adopt an e-commerce business model amidst concerns over potential safety issues.

The author recommends that management within Richbol re-evaluate their current business model and endeavor to modify their website for this purpose. It is also recommended that e-shop business model be adopted as it is easy to implement, fits well with the product they offer, and represents an avenue in which most online businesses start their e-business adventures.

Keywords: e-commerce, business models, e-shop, e-business, adoption, Nigeria, business environment

Thesis Abstract
Tables and Figures

1.1 Background
1.2 Research Problem
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Research Questions

2.1 Definitions of E-commerce
2.2 E-commerce and E-business
2.3 History of E-commerce
            2.3.1 1995-2000: Innovation
            2.3.2 2001-2006: Consolidation
            2.3.3 2006-present: Reinvention
2.4 Types of E-commerce
            2.4.1 Business-to-Customer (B2C) E-commerce
            2.4.2 Business-to-Business (B2B) E-commerce
2.5 Benefits and Limitations of Electronic Commerce
            2.5.1 Benefits of Electronic Commerce
            2.5.2 Limitations of Electronic Commerce
2.6 Business Model
            2.6.1 The Key Components of a Business Model
            2.6.2 Electronic Commerce Business Model
            2.6.3 Major Electronic-Commerce Business Models
            2.6.4 Traditional Business Model
2.7 E-commerce Adoption
            2.7.1 Top Management Support
            2.7.2 Organizational Competency
            2.7.3 Information Technology (IT) Capability
            2.7.4 Attributes of Innovation
            2.7.5 Market E-readiness
            2.7.6 Government E-readiness

3.1 Overview of Nigeria
3.2 The Business Environment in Nigeria
3.3 Internet Penetration and Electronic Commerce Trends in Nigeria
3.4 Problems of Electronic Commerce Adoption in Nigerian Businesses

4.1 Types of Research
4.2 Research Approach: qualitative and quantitative Comparison
4.3 Data Collection Methods
            4.3.1 Primary Data Sources
            4.3.2 Secondary Data Sources
4.4 Validity and Reliability
4.5 Case Company
            4.5.1 Richbol Environmental Services Ltd
            4.5.2 Richbol Environmental Services Ltd's Operations
            4.5.3 Richbol Environmental Services Ltd’s Organizational Structure

5.1 Richbol’s  Business Model (online business card)
            5.1.1 The Transaction Process
5.2 The New Business Model (E-shop)
5.3 Logistics System
            5.3.1 Old and New Logistics System
            5.3.2 Integrating the New Logistics System
            5.3.3 The API Integration Process
            5.3.4 How Will The UPS Logistics Technology Work at Richbol Ltd.?
5.4 Sales System
            5.4.1 The Sales System at Richbol Environmental Services Limited
            5.4.2 E-shop Sales System (sales portal)
            5.4.3  Integrating the Sales Portal on Richbol’s Web Page

            6.1 Respondent One
            6.2 Respondent Two

            7.1 Findings
            7.2 Recommendations
            7.2.1  The Features of Shopify E-commerce Software



This is the introductory part to the research work. This part of the research will narrate the background to the subject matter. It also includes the research problem, justification of study, objective of the study, research questions, scope of the study, and limitations of the study.

1.1     Background
A little over a decade ago, a professor of engineering at a major university boldly remarked, “The internet has no commercial viability”. This statement may certainly have been true at that time due to the fact that the Internet as a means of doing business was still “developing”. But even then it was obvious that the internet provides limitless network opportunities for businesses and the future is certainly bright.

The effects of the evolution of the internet and web access to today’s world can be likened to the effects the industrial revolution had on the agrarian societies centuries ago. This has made doing business internationally even much more easier and faster to do, and it has brought many geographically distant countries even more closer in the virtual world. New innovations in telecommunications, the continuous development of the internet and emergence of e-commerce have enhanced the globalization of markets. (Emerald Insight Staff 2005, 25)

The explosion in the use of the internet has created opportunities for several innovations. Electronic commerce, which is one of the most interesting and important aspect of this explosion has changed the way businesses operate. Large amounts of business organization now offer goods & services as well as communicate with their suppliers and buyers over the internet. Electronic commerce has brought about a highly competitive market and as a result large brick-and-mortar companies are rethinking their business models with the aim of staying competitive. A report says that by 2014, over 1 trillion dollars in revenue will be generated by e-commerce worldwide (Digital economy, [ref. 26 September 2011]). This figure is evident in the speed at which e-commerce has risen within the past few years.

E-commerce is attracting converts at an overwhelmingly increasing level. In short, e-commerce has moved beyond its developing days and is getting down to serious business, becoming a natural part of multi-channel efforts to make sales and improve the bottom line. (Lou [ref. 26 September 2011]). In order to rip the full benefits of e-commerce, businesses are redesigning their processes as a whole rather than doing the same things in a different way.

As the world becomes a global village due to the internet revolution, Nigeria though not a frontrunner is also not left behind in the pack. Infrastructural deficiencies have impeded the development of digitalization in the Nation’s body polity but satisfactory signals are emerging that Government intends to actively promote and support the required and relevant structures

1.2     Research Problem
Implementing a successful e-commerce is not as easy as most people might think. Many obstacles exist and they all revolve round three parts of e-commerce puzzle-money, technology and people. Sometimes the cost of avoiding e-commerce is greater than the cost of adopting it. However, as e-commerce has grown and has become an important tool in highly-developed nations, such cannot be said for the lesser developed nations, thus creating a digital divide.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 106 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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