The research was on the role of local government system in enhancing rural development a case study of Udenu local government. The main objective of the study was to know how local government is administered and to discover the areas covered by the local government in rural development. In the cause of the study some senior staff and some political office holders were selected from my local government and were interviewed and some were administered with questionnaire. The investigation rejects that local government is not doing well to develop the rural areas in Nigeria. The study is now appealing to local government to see it as its functions to help in rural development.

1.1        Background to the Study                                             
1.2        Statement of the Study                                               
1.3        Objectives of the  Study                                              
1.4        Research Questions                                                    
1.5        Significance of the Study                                             
1.6        Scope of the Study                                                     
1.7        Limitations of the Study                                               
1.8        Definition of the Major Terms                                       
CHAPTER TWO                         
2.0                       Literature review                                                
2.1              Meaning and Definition of Local Government    
2.2              Concept of rural Development                               
RESEARCH design and methodology                              
3.1        Source of Data                                                   
3.2        Population of the Study                                               
3.3        Determination of Sample Size                                       
3.4        Sample Technique                                                      
3.5        Selection and Construction of Research Instrument
3.6        Administration of Research Instrument                   
3.7        Instrument Return Rate                                               
DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                            
4.1        Presentation of the Data                                              
4.2        Analysis of Data                                                
Summary of Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1        Summary of Finding                                            
5.2        Recommendations                                                      
5.3        Conclusions                                                       

In Nigeria, the local government as the third tier of government has played a major role and has contributed immensely to the growth and development of the rural dwellers.  It has been used as an instrument for fostering development and implementing rural development in the grass root level. In Nigeria, at the time of colonial era, local government was an institution nearest to the people, however, been recognized as an instrument or institution for transforming the life of rural dwellers for the betterment of their living. 
Consequently, local government has made record of 774 created local governments in the country and have made attempt to create new ones in recent times with the sole aim of using them to bring about rural development in the local level.
Rural development is a complicated process that deserves easy definition its complexity is rested with the multiplicity of reforms that rural development programmes have taken in the past and still take in many parts of the word “mass actions, “communication” “popular action” “rural reconstruction” communication, extension and rural development is also frequently confused with agricultural development or with the mechanization of the country side. 
        It is important to mention that rural development derives its meaning and objectives largely out of the context of the preventing ideology of development.
Our current ideology and practices of development has been reliable and dependable. This is as a result of the urban-oriented nature of our development strategy.
1.2    Statement of the Problem
It is no more a surprise that the local government in Nigeria has a lot of factors and problems that adversely affect its objectives. A lot of problems have been hindering the activities of local government, one of these problems is finance.  
The problem of finance has made it difficult for local government to carry out its functions. They do not get enough fund and allocation from the federal government even when it comes, it is not regular. The federal government is not directly involved in local government administration. Other problems of local government include frequent cases of embezzlement of public funds. Inability of some contractors to complete projects on schedule and the unco-operative attitude of some members of the community, corruption among local government officers, ineffective and inefficiency of some local government staff, lack of probity, unaccountability and poor quality manpower.
        To this effect, we want to evaluate and know if Udenu Local Government have been developed in terms of rural development.
The following questions must be considered
1             What are the functions of local government
2             In what ways does local government generate revenue.
3             Is there any development at the rural area
4             Does local government help in rural areas development
1.3    Objectives of the study
The cardinal purpose of this study are as  follows:
(1)                        To know how local government is administered
(2)                        To see how the federal government use local government to reach rural areas.
(3)                        To discover the areas covered by the local government in rural development.
(4)                        To encourage rural participation in government
(5)                        To discover the problem facing local government and rural areas using Udenu Local Government as a case study for rural development.
1.4    Research Questions
The research question are in this form
(1)                In what way can local government help in rural development.
(2)                How can local government generate its fund through which it can use to develop the rural areas.
(3)                What kind of development are we expecting in rural areas.
(4)                Who are the ruralites and how could they be identified.
1.5    Significance of the Study
There are 774 local governments in Nigeria each with its own peculiarity, their differences in some ways affect their performance and therefore, require to be studies.
In any sense, Udenu Local Government is unique and this study will attempt to examine and evaluate the impact of local government towards its development.  Therefore the significance of the study lies in the fact by pointing out these difference, it becomes necessary to treat and judge each local government on its own merit with its peculiarities. The investigator have conducted a thorough research on the administration of local government for rural development.
However, the study will be useful to other students both within and outside the institution of higher learning who many wish to carry out similar research work. The study will also add to our knowledge in the administration of local government.
1.6    Scope of the Study
The topic covers all the local government in Nigeria with special reference to rural development. In this topic the researcher is trying to know how local governments have been helping in affairs of rural development using Udenu Local Government as example to evaluate the truth in the matter.
1.8              Definition of Major Terms
Local Government
According to professor Okwudiba  Nnoli he sees local government as system of government at the local council enjoying substantial autonomy in the exercise, performance of specific power over a given locality in the exercise of a range of functions and responsibilities allotted to it by law (Nnoli, 1980: 112)
According to Barber (1974:13) He defined local government as the various aspects of administration of service on a local basis to local bodies for the settlement of the local people. Local government is the third tier and the smallest government bodily created to take care of all local matters and interest that requires government attention infact it is a government at the grass root.        
Rural Development
According to (Adeyomo 1984) Rural development can be defined as a process by which the effort of the people are united with those of local government to improve the economic, social and cultural conditions of the community and to enable them contribute fully to the life of the nation.
According to UN publication, (1963;1) development is defined as the process of allowing and encouraging people to meet their own aspirations.  Development can also be defined as a desirable socio-economic and political aspiration which involves improvement in the general living conditions of the people.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 102 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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