This work is aimed at determining the incidence of bacterial injections such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli which cause health hazards to the  poultry in their feeds.  Sample feed were obtained from commercial mash operation/ pellet mill operation at New heaven and top feed at Ogbete main market Enugu.  The samples were screened for total aerobic bacteria count, total coliform count and the characterization of the bacteria isolates carried out while indole test and citrate test were used to confirm the presence of Escherichia coli. The confirmation of salmonella isolates on Mac conkey agar was also done.

1.0       Introduction
1.1       Statement of problem
1.2       Aims and objectives of the study
1.3       Limitation of study
1.4       Hypotheses
2.0       Literature review
2.1       Nutritional value
2.2       Economic importance
2.3       Disease cause by microorganisms
2.4       Livestock (poultry) feeds manufacturer
2.5       Nutrient /feed requirements
2.6       Nutritive values of eggs
2.7       Standard of feed quality
2.8       Types of poultry feeds & march ingredients
2.9      Quality control of feeds
3.0       Materials and method
3.1       Sample collection
3.1.1    Microbiological analysis
3.2       Characterization of bacateria
3.2.1    Gram’s staining reaction
3.2.2    Indole test
3.2.3     Methyl red (Mr.) voges proskaver (vp) test
3.2.4    Citrate test
3.2.5    Carbohydrate fermentation
3.2.6    Motility test
3.2.7    Oxidase test
4.0       Result
4.1       Total aerobic bacterial count
4.2       Coliform bacterial count
4.3       Characterization of coliform isolates
4.4        Characterization of salmonella isolates
5.0      Discussion
5.1      Conclusion
5.2     Recommendation
Hard wares
Glass wares
Composition for bacteriological culture

            The term poultry used in agriculture generally refers to all domesticated birds kept for egg or meat production.  These includes chickens (domestic fowls),  Grallus domestics, turkeys, ducks and geese.  This project will deal largely with the chicken which are the most common domestic fowl.  The species of poultry are aptable or can survive in different environments therefore, they are widely distributed in the world, with great increase in population, the demand for goods especially protein food become acute.  To meet the demand for animal protein and its development, rapid multiplying ones becomes very necessary. Poultry has so  many advantages over other domesticated animal whose production is very much hindered by lack of money, high temperature, disease and lack of good at certain periods of the year.
The diseases of poultry is like the disease of other animals may be caused by:
  1.    Pathogenic organisms like bacteria and viruses, protozoa, worms and some members of arthropods
  2. Nutritional deficiency,
  3.     From wound or cannibalism
The following diseases are usually associated with the fowls locally
  1. New castle disease
  2. Chronic respiratory diseases
  3. Fowl typhoid
  4. Coccidiosis
  5. Fowl pox
The incidence of salmonella and Escherida coli simply means the extent to which the enteric organisms (Escherichia coli) that are part of the normal flora and incidentally causes disease and pathogenic organism (salmonella) affect the poultry feeds.  Hill, D.H; and Davis, O.s; (1962).  Shoening et al 1942). Defined diseases as any abnormal condition of the tissue of the body, the cells that make up the various tissue have specific functions to perform. Pekzar et al (1977) defined Salmonell is as a disease of the chick fowl and swim bird cause by some species or Salnaonells.
Anon (1963) described pullorum disease as an  actute infection disease of body chicks caused by salnonella pullorum. Infection is the entering of the  disease produces organisms into the animal.
Livestock (Poultry )gets infected when pathogenic  organisms passes to the susceptible animal through the  through the   following  avenues (Esmat Omar 1977).
  1. Feeds and contaminated water feed or water containing droppings or waste products of diseased animal will help spread the organisms to fresh hosts.  The feeding troughs and watering vessels aso spread the diseases if not separated.
  2. Dropping  or excretes: These material are the gateway out for some stages of organisms to go out of the host and get to fresh animal hosts.
  3. Close contact – some disease spread by contact.  Their agents may be external parasites or air borne in which case nearness to the superior’s birds increase the changes of getting the organisms
  4. To or event the disease pathogenic organism from getting into the body of poultry, attention should be payed to those factors that influence their infections and spread.  First and foremost, they should have disease resisting stock, provide good shelter, clean range, proper  feeding and practice separating the unhealthy ones from the healthy poultry, quarantining new stock.  In case of poultry, the brooder house should be 30m to 48m from old birds. Such that they gets good feed and sunlight.  They should act be allowed to get in contact with their droppings or excretes since their dropping carry the pathogenic organisms.  Sanitation is very important in poultry management by cleaning of water cans and feed troughs and finally disinfecting the stock to help reduce organic matter.
            This study has been justified by the need and safety of consuming children (white meat) which has low cholesterol but rich in protein than beef which has high cholesterol.  Also human beings and the world at large, benefit from our poultry farms where we have the layers (Egg producing Chiks) and the broilers (Heavy chicks) for consumption.
The poultry (chicken) are rich in protein and amino acid needed for growth.  Livestock feeds are formulated to a ratio for different species and classes of poultry.  These are also feed additive, which may be added to the feed to prevent disease or make animals utilize feed better.  Some ingredient concentrate is added to nourish the feed.
  1. To highlight the various importance of the livestock (poultry) t human and our industries.
  2. To determine the incidence of bacteria infection such as balmonella
and Escherichia coli which cause health hazard to the poultry    (Chiken).
  1. To isolate and deduce effect of salmonella specie and Escherichia coli
in livestock (poultry) and their feeds.
  1. To advice poultry farmers on how to preserve and handle their farms
feeds from infections diseases to the birds.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 65 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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