Title Page
Approval Page
iii         Dedication Page
Table of Content

1.0       Introduction
1.1       Background to the Study
1.2       Statement of the Problem
1.3       The Purpose of the Study
1.4       Scope and Limitations of the study
1.5       Significance of the Study
1.6       Synopsis of the Two Novels: Isi Akwụ Dara N’ala and Jxq Obinna

2.0       Literature Review
2.1       Theoretical Studies
2.1.1    Literature and Society
2.1.2    African Literature and Dehumanization
2.1.3    War and Literature
2.1.4    Ubesie: The man and the Art
2.3.      Empirical Studies

3.0       A Critical Appraisal of the Effects of Nigeria-Biafra War in Isi Akwụ Dara N’Ala
3.1       Hunger and financial implications of the Nigeria Biafra war as contained
            in Isi Akwụ Dara N’Ala
3.2       The Psychological/Societal Effects of Nigeria/Biafra War on the People in
            Isi Akwụ Dara N’Ala
3.3       The effects of the execution of Nigeria/Biafra war in Isi akwu Dara N’Ala.

4.0 An Appraisal of the Effects of Nigeria/Biafra War in Jxq Obinna.
4.1 Hunger and Financial Implication of the Nigeria Biafra War in Jxq Obinna.
4.1.2    The Psychological/Societal Effects of the Nigerian/Biafra war on the People as Contained in Jxq Obinna.
4.1.3    The dehumanizing Effects of the Execution of the Nigeria/Biafra War as Contained in Jxq Obinna

5.0       Discussions, Summary and Conclusion
5.1       Discussion
5.2       Summary
5.3       Conclusion

Between July 1967 and January 1970 may be described as the darkest age in the Nigerian history especially in the Biafran area south east Nigeria. It was within this period that the Nigerian civil war was executed. The civil war actually dealt a hard blow on the people of Biafra as the war centered directly on the geographical area of the Biafra (Igbo) land. Up till today, the evil effects of the war are still fresh in the people’s mind. In this study, effort was geared toward portraying the negative effects of the Nigerian/Biafra War not only on the civilian population but also on the military. This is with a view to noting and x-raying the dehumanizing effects of the civil war as portrayed in the two novels, Jxq Obinna and Isi Akwx DaraN’Ala. Based on his mastery of the Igbo language and the style of his writing, many critics have focused on his writing, each focusing on way area or the other. However, despite all the write-ups that have focused on Ubesie’s novels, none to the best of the researcher’s knowledge had focused on the dehumanization effects of war as observed in his literary works. In this study, documentary research was adopted for the collection of data while the descriptive approach was adopted in the analyses of the two novels. Apart from bringing out the unique features of the literary works, the results of the study indicate that there were excessive hunger, financial problems, psychological trauma, and excessive use of force by the Nigeria forces on the Biafrans. The dehumanizing effects of war was evident in the two novels as the people of Biafra were traumatized and in most cases, did the unimaginable just to survive. The dehumanizing effects of the war were evident in different characters and in different communities in Igbo land and as such the two novels could be described as historical novels.

1.0                                                 INTRODUCTION
1.1           Background of the Study
Literature in the contemporary world is seen not just as the mirror of the society but as a means of projecting what is happening in the society. This must have prompted Nwadike (1992) to affirm that literature is artistic creation which is used to x-ray and portray the world as it is. There is basically a symbolic relationship between language, culture and literature as each reinforces, projects and distills the other (Adedimeji, 2012). Adedimeji goes further to reason that the need for the projection of African culture had informed the development of modern African literature which serves to enlighten, educate, and showcase African worldview, practices and problems.

Literature, whether oral or written, fiction or real performs the above functions that one may not be able to state for example where oral literature begins and ends or where the line between fiction and non-fiction practically exists. As such, Agbedo (2012) states that though fiction presents an imaginary world in the form of narrative, it primarily concerns itself with the imaginative reconstruction of reality.

In the past, African literature was treated with disdain. When African literature appeared in the literary scene, many scholars, mostly Europeans, received it with suspicion. African literature attracted little or no critical attention because many believed that the writers would soon disappear into thin air (Adewoye, 2002). In a comprehensive manner, Ohale (2010) observes,

A  relatively  short  while  ago,   the  popular  notion  of

Africa   as   an    arid   farmland   with   respect   to    literary....

For more Linguistics, Igbo & other Nigerian Languages Projects click here
Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 154 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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