The movement of human beings from areas of origin to area of final destination is a natural phenomenon among human societies. This study focuses on rural-urban migration with the aim of identifying the socio-economic and cultural causes of rural-urban migration, the socio-economic and cultural implications of migration from the study area to other areas of final destination, the coping strategies adopted by the community members with the aim of discouraging rural urban migration, what needs to be done to curb the movement from a community to other places. To this end the study. rural community development
made use of both primary data and secondary data to source information from members of the study community. Purposive sampling was used to select research participants, both key informants and focus group participants’ from the entire population. Research participants revealed that the people of Kpongu perceived development as provision of social infrastructure as well as improve standard of living which is a motivating factor for migration. To most of the respondents, migration was positive and brings about improved standard of living. It was revealed that some of the causes of rural-urban migration in Kpongu include lack of economic opportunities, inadequate social amenities among others. The study concluded with some measures put in place to mitigate migration as well as some
recommendation to help reduce migration from the study area to areas of final destination. rural community development

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 55 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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