Background to the Study
Language is the most distinctive human quality and attribute. Language ischaracterized by a set of vocal sounds which can be decoded. Language does notexist in a vacuum. It is always contextualized. There is a relationship betweenlanguage and society. The importance of the relationship between language andsociety cannot be over-emphasized in the education of a child. Language is a guideto social reality. English language is one of the languages used in igeria.English language has become a valuable legacy of the !ritish which has provided igerians with yet another means of expressing their culture. Englishlanguage is igeria”s official language #$dedime%i& ‘(()*. English language performs numerous functions in igeria. It serves as lingua franca. It is thelanguage of instruction& language of constitution& language of nationalism& media&+overnment& education among others. This is because igeria is a multilingualcountry and English language serves as a lin, among the people.English language is introduced to a child from the fourth year of primaryschool up to the university level #la%ide& ‘((*. This is clearly stated in section / paragraph 0& subsection on primary education& ‘((/ of the 1ederal republic of  igeria”s national policy on education.
In igeria& much importance is attached to English language. It occupies avital role in the educational system& such importance could be seen in terms of thefunctions English language perform in igeria. It is an act of political expedienceand in addition& it helps to remove the fear of ethnical domination. The practicaloral aspect of English language becomes even more important for the purpose of interaction and articulation in our day to day use of the language.1urthermore& the use of English language paved way for participation atnational and international levels. To be able to participate in the social& politicaland economical life of the country& one must be able to understand and use Englishlanguage effectively and efficiently. English language is used for vertical mobility#$dedime%i& ‘(()*. It enables one to move from a lower social class to higher one.It is the language of prestige not because the users are more intelligent than theilliterates but because they can spea, it. 3o it has become a language of personality#$dedime%i& ‘(()*. The role of English language in igeria stresses the need for  igerians to learn& understand and ma,e use of English language proficiently.There is no doubt that interference is the ma%or effect of mother tongue languageon English language.
Interference has been observed as a cogent influence that mother tonguelanguage has on English language. 3ources of the interferences therefore could be phonology- #a science which deals with the study of sounds in language* that ishow different sounds or phonemes are combined. 4orphology #this deals with thecombination of morphemes to form words& morpheme is the smallest indivisibleunit of a language that has a significant meaning*. 3yntax #the arrangement of words in a language according to rules*. The concern of this pro%ect is on the phonological aspect of English language #oral English*.

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