Title Page
Approval Page
Table of contents
List of tables
List of figure
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Research Questions
Null Hypotheses
Scope of the Study
Conceptual Framework
E- learning
Word Processing
Methods of Teaching Word Processing
Synchronous e –learning mode
Asynchronous e –
learning mode
Academic Achievement
Skill Acquisition
Theoretical Framework
Constructivist Theories of Learning
Flow Theory
Path – Goal Theory
Related Empirical Studies
Summary of Literature Reviewed
Design of the Study
Area for the Study
Population for the Study
Sample and Sampling Technique
Instrument for Data Collection
Validation of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Control of Extraneous Variables
Experimental Procedure
Method of Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis
Research Question One
Research Question Two
Research Question Three
Research Question Four
Testing of Hypotheses
Findings of the Study
Discussion of Findings
Restatement of the Problem
Summary of the Procedures Used
Major findings of the Study
Implications of the study
Suggestions for Further Research
The study adopted a quasi – experimental research design.
This study was carried out in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. The
population for the study comprised 2,949 JSS1 students in 2015/2016 academic
session from 16 secondary schools that offer computer studies in Nsukka Local
Government of Enugu State. The study adopted multistage sampling technique. The
sample size for this study was 70 JSS1 students from two purposively selected
secondary schools using multistage purposive sampling techniques. Two sets of
instruments were used for data collection - a 40 items multiple choices Word
Processing Achievement Test (WPAT) and five items Word Processing Skill
Acquisition Test (WPSAT). The instruments were subjected to face and content
validation by three experts. The reliability of the WPAT was established using
Kuder Richardson 21 (K–R 21) formula in which a coefficient of 0.95 was
obtained while Kendall’s W Test was used to establish the internal consistency
of the Skill Acquisition test and a reliability coefficient of 0.94 was
obtained. Prior to the commencement of the experiment, all students were
subjected to a pre – test in order to obtain the pre – test scores for the
study. Community Secondary School Isienu was assigned to Synchronous e – learning
mode while Model Secondary School Nsukka was assigned to Asynchronous e-
learning mode. The experiment was carried out during the normal school hours
using the school time – table for classes. The duration for the experiment was
two weeks. At the end of the experiment, the teachers administered the post-
test to the students in the two groups. The data collected from the pre – test
and post – test using the two set of instruments (Achievement test and Skill
acquisition test) were analysed using mean for answering the research questions
while analysis for covariance (ANCOVA) was used for testing the hypotheses at
0.05 level of significance. Based on the data collected and analyzed, the study
found that the treatments (synchronous and asynchronous e – learning modes)
appreciably increased academic achievement and skill acquisition of the JSS1
students in word processing and that gender of the students does have slight
influence on their achievement and skill acquisition in word processing in
relation to the treatments (synchronous and asynchronous e – learning modes)
given. There was significant (p<0.05) difference in the mean achievement
scores and skill acquisition rating of JSS1 students exposed to synchronous e –
learning mode and those exposed to asynchronous e – learning mode. Based on
these findings, the study among others recommended that teachers should be
encouraged by educational administrators to adopt the use of these techniques
for instructional delivery and that seminars, workshops and conferences should
be organised by educational administrators and ministry of education where
teachers will be trained on the use and application of synchronous and
asynchronous e – learning modes for effective teaching and learning in schools.
Background of the Study
The integration of computers in
education has led to the introduction of computer studies in schools at
different levels. Computer studies is a subject offered in secondary schools.
It is the study of computer science, which includes computer and algorithmic
processes, computer principles, hardware and software designs, their
applications, and their impact on society. Computer studies is relevant for all
students because it incorporates a broad range of transferable problem- solving
skills and techniques, including logical thinking, creative design, synthesis,
and evaluation. It also teaches generically useful skills in such areas as
communication, time management, organization, and teamwork. Computer studies
provide the knowledge and skills to understand the underpinnings of current
computer technology; and preparation for emerging technologies. A foundation in
this discipline will introduce students to the excitement and opportunities
afforded by this dynamic field and will begin to prepare them for a range of
rewarding careers. The computer studies programme will build a strong
foundation for those who wish to move on to further study and train in
specialized areas such as computer programming, database analysis, computer
science, computer education, computer engineering, software engineering,
information technology, game development, and word processing skills.
Word processing is a concept in computer studies that
equips the learner with the necessary skills that will help them to fit into
this technology driven age. Word processing is an application programme that is used to create
letters, reports, newsletters, tables, brochures, and web pages. This
application programme can help a user to add pictures, tables, and charts to
his documents. This application also enables spelling and grammar check.
According to Gerry (2009), word processing is the creation of documents using a
word processor programme. The author further stated that word processing can
also refer to advanced shorthand techniques, sometimes used in specialized
context with a specially modified typewriter. A word processor is an electric
or electronic device, or computer software application that, as directed by the
user, performs word processing (the composition, editing, formatting, and
sometimes printing of any sort of written material). According to Onyewuenyi
(1994), word processing is the writing, editing and production of documents
such as letters, report and books through the use of a computer programme or a
complete computer system designed to facilitate rapid and efficient
manipulation of text. Word processing, therefore, is a total system
encompassing both the typing function and the administrative support function
within an organisation. Obi (2005) stated that the procedure in word processing
specifies how, when and which word processing equipment should be used while
the equipment requires adequate selection of a word processing system with
relevant hardware and software that will meet the processing needs of an
organisation. Top word processing packages like Microsoft Word, Lotus, Corel
Draw, and Word perfect can provide a wide variety of attractively printed
documents with their desktop publishing capabilities. Word processing packages
computerize the creation, editing, revision, storage, retrieval and printing of
documents such as letters, memos, and reports by electronically processing your
text data. As a result, the production of documents requires the services of
personnel with word processing skills. Skill is the great ability or
proficiency; expertness that comes from training, practices, etc. It can also
be defined as an ability and capacity acquired...
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Item Type: Postgraduate Material | Attribute: 161 pages | Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word | Price: N3,000 | Delivery: Within 2hrs
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