The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of Multimedia Projection on Senior Secondary Students’ achievement and interest in Sets. Four research questions and six null hypotheses guided the Study. The design of the study was quasi-experimental, non-equivalent Control Group Design. This design was apt since randomization of subjects was not done and intact classes were used. The population for the study was 2,809 SSI students made up of 1,246 males and 1,563 females and the sample size was 200 students from the four intact classes used for the study. Each intact class came from one co-educational school used for the study-two from Nsukka zone for experimental and control groups.
Similarly, the other two came from Enugu Education zone, one for Experimental and the other for Control group. Multistage sampling technique was employed for the study; purposive sampling was used in selecting four state schools with functional computers. The four intact classes used were therefore purposely drawn from the four coeducational schools in Enugu State of Nigeria. Balloting without replacement was used in determining which of the two schools, in each education zone, becomes the Experimental group’s school and which one becomes the Control group. The instruments of Set Achievement Test (SAT) and Set Interest Scale (SIS) were used to collect data on the cognitive achievement and interest of students in Sets respectively. The four research questions were answered using means and standard deviations while Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 levels of significance. The results revealed that the use of MUMPPAS in form of CAL package as a teaching method increased students’ achievement and interest in sets more than the conventional chalkboard method of teaching. Both male and female students achieved highly as a result of the use of MUMPPAS and there was no significant interaction effect between MUMPPAS treatment and gender on students’ achievement in Sets also interest of male and female students in experimental group increased highly as a result of the use of MUMPPAS. However, there was significant interaction effect between MUMPPAS and gender on students’ interest in Sets. Based on the results, it was recommended among others that Mathematics teachers be trained on how to master the technique needed for preparation and use of CAL package like MUMPPAS for effective teaching and learning of different concepts in Mathematics by students.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Research Questions

Conceptual Framework
Sets in Mathematics
Achievement  of students in Mathematics
Interest of students in Mathematics
Achievement and Interest of Students in Mathematics
Gender Issues in Mathematics achievementand interest in mathematics
Concept of electronic learning (e-learning)
Concept of Multimedia Projection and MUMPPAS
Concept of Conventional/Chalkboard Method of Teaching
Schema for Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework
Bruner’s Theory of Learning
Gagne’s Theory of Learning
De Morgan’s Law on Sets
Empirical studies
Studies on the teaching of Mathematics
Studies on the use of electronic-Learning/Multimedia Projection in Teaching Science Subjects including Mathematics
Studies on Science, Technology,Mathematics and other related areas
Studies on gender as a factor in students’ achievement in Mathematics
Studies on interest as a factor in Mathematics Achievement
Summary of Literature Review

Design of the Study
Areas of the Study
Population for the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques Instruments for Data Collection Validation of the Instruments Reliability of the Instruments Control of Extraneous Variables Method of  Data Collection Method of Data Analyses

Research Question 1
Research Question 2
Research Question
Research Question 4
Hypothesis 1
Hypothesis 2
Hypothesis 3
Hypothesis 4
Hypothesis 5
Hypothesis 6
Summary of the Findings

Effect of MUMPPAS on Students’ achievement in Sets
Effect of MUMPPAS on Achievement of Male and Female Students in Sets
Effect of MUMPPAS on Students’ Interest in Sets 
Effect of MUMPPAS on Interest of Male and Female Students in Sets
Interaction effect of MUMPPAS on Gender towards students’ achievement in Sets
Interaction effect of MUMPPAS on Gender towards interest of students in Sets
Conclusions Reached from the Findings of the study          
Educational Implications of the Findings
Limitations of the Study
Suggestion for Further Studies
Summary of the study


Background of the Study
Mathematics as a subject is the study of quantity, structure, space, relation, change and various topics of pattern, form and entity (Wikibooks, 2011). It promotes the training of the mind. It is an indispensable subject and the Queen of sciences (Guass, 1856).Borel(2014) stated that Mathematics is the queen of Sciences, a servant of Science subjects while Life (2014) viewed Mathematics as King of Arts, Queen of Science. It is also a science of number and shapes (Carl, 1984). Mathematics is used every day by everyone especially in this present scientific and technological world. Emphasis in Nigeria today is on technological development and mathematics is needed for this technological development. Linking Mathematics to development and progress through Science and Technology, Azuka (2002) stated thatthe arrows connecting mathematics with development and progress of any nation are as shown below:

Mathematics Science Technology  Development and Progress. In line with this relationship between Mathematics, Science and technology, Harbor Peters (2001a) remarked that mathematics remains the pivot on which any true science can rest and no true science can succeed without going through mathematical demonstration; that any nation that wants to develop technologically begins by developing her mathematical arts right from the classroom. In other words, mathematics and science are important in our daily lives. It is this importance of mathematics that has made Ukeje in Onah (2004) to stress that without mathematics, there is no science; without science, there is no modern technology, and without modern technology, there is no modern society. The implication of this statement is that there could be no real development, technologically without a corresponding development in mathematics.
One may now ask: what are the objectives of mathematics in secondary schools? According to Harbor-Peters (2001b:70), the objectives of Mathematics in secondary schools at both junior and senior levels include:Developing originality and curiosity in the learners; Acquiring relevant manipulative skills; Emphasizing the wide applicability of mathematics in various fields; and leading the learners to discover and appreciate the beauty and elegance of Mathematics.

The beauty and elegance of Mathematics are found in Sets.According to Lassa (2012), every major branch of Mathematics involves Setnotion in a very fundamental way. Lassa is of the view that the language of Set is precise and unambiguous, which arises out of the need to generalize. Lassa gave examples of clearly described Set to include: the Set of African countries; the Set of Nigerian cities; the Set of counting numbers. Adeniran (2002) opined that without Mathematics, one cannot survive economically, politically and even socially. This is so because Mathematics promotes logical thinking especially by its branch called Set. According to the founder of Set theory- Georg(2010), a Set is a well-defined collection of objects. Equally, Cantor (2014) viewed Set as a well-defined collection of objects; that in Mathematic,a finite Set is a Set that has a finite number of elements. Cantor indicated thata Set that is not finite is called infinite.

Everyone deals with Set daily-both finite and infinite Sets. A Set is said to be finite if the elements contained have a definite beginning and a definite ending. However, when the elements in a Set will not terminate, the Set is said to be infinite. Some examples of finite Sets include: theSet of English vowels written mathematically as {a, e, i, o, u}, theSet of multiples of two from 10-20 written as {10,12,14,16,18,20}.Some examples of infinite Sets include: theSet of multiples of 8 written as {8,16,24,32,… },theSet of natural numbers written as {1,2,3,4,5,6,…}.Also the set of Prime Numbers writt en as {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,…}.

Many terms are used in Set and some secondary school students find them difficult as they are often confused with the terms, especially intersection, union, universal and complement...

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Item Type: Ph.D Material  |  Attribute: 149 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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