This study was carried out to investigate the effect of guided discovery method (GDM) on academic achievement and interest of senior secondary school students in Foods and Nutrition. The effect of gender and location on the achievement and interest of SSS1 students taught using G.D.M was also investigated. Six research questions were generated and 6 null hypotheses formulated to guide the study. After a review of related literature, Quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. The study was carried out in Nsukka educational zone in Enugu state. The population of the study was 16350 SSI students in Nsukka education zone. The sample consisted of 132 Foods and Nutrition SSS1 students which were randomly composed. Questionnaire was used for data collection. Three experts validated the instruments. Kuder Richardson formula 21 and Cronbach Alpha formal methods were used to determine internal consistency of the instruments (FNAT and FNII). The reliability coefficient of .77 and .61 were obtained. The mean score was used to answer research questions and the research hypotheses tested using ANCOVA statistics at .05 level of significance. The major findings of the study were:

1.      G.D.M. as a method of teaching was a significant factor of students’ achievement in Foods and Nutrition. The group taught with G.D.M achieved higher than the group taught with lecture method.
2.      Method had significant effect on students’ interest in Foods and Nutrition. The group taught with G.D.M showed high interest.

3.      Location was a significant factor of students’ overall achievement in Foods and Nutrition when taught with G.D.M..


Title page
List of tables
List of figures
Table of contents

Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Research Questions
Research Hypotheses

Conceptual Frame Work
Nutritional value of food
Nutritional Diseases
Guided discovery method of teaching
Achievement and interest
Gender and Location
Theoretical frame work
Jerome Bruner’s theory
Constructivism approach
Empirical studies
Guided discovery method and achievement
Studies on interest and achievement
Gender and students achievement
School location and students achievement
Summary of Literature Review

Design of the study
Area of the study
Population for the study
Sample and sampling techniques
Instrument for data collection
Validation of instrument
Reliability of the instrument
Experimental procedure
Control of extraneous variable
Method of data analysis

Research question one
Hypothesis one
Research question two
Hypothesis two
Research question three
Hypothesis three
Research question four
Hypothesis four
Research question five
Hypothesis five
Research question six
Hypothesis six
Summary of result

Effect of GDM on students’ achievement and interest in Foods and Nutrition
Influence of gender on students’ achievement and interest in Foods and Nutrition
Influence of school location on students’ achievement and interest in Foods and Nutrition
Educational implications of the study
Limitations of the study
Suggestions for further research
Summary of the study

Background of the Study
Secondary education is important for developing country like Nigeria as it is concerned with the provision of competencies required for useful living to those whose education is terminated at the secondary school level (FRN, 2004). The broad aims of secondary education within the overall national objectives of Nigerian education:

1.      Preparation for useful living in the society
2.      Preparation for higher education

In other to achieve the above stated aims of secondary education, the secondary school curriculum is structured to include Home Economics among other subjects, taught in secondary schools in Nigeria.
Home Economics which is an aspect of vocational and technical education is an interdisciplinary field of study which helps family and individuals to understand and adapt to the effects of social economic, cultural and technical changes. It is an applied science subject which is dependent on the integration of different academic disciplines such as the natural science, social science and art in solving problems of families and individuals within the families and individuals within the families (Lemechi 2002). According to Fleck (2000:4) the world shapes home economics and home economics contribute to the shaping of the world through its impact on millions of individuals and their families”. The American Home Economics Association (2005:10) has rightly defined Home Economics as “the study of laws, conditions, principles and ideas which are concerned on the one hand with man’s immediate physical environment and on the other hand with his nature as a social being and is the study especially of the relation between those two factors.
Advanced countries have realized the importance of Home Economics to both sexes since they

know that both men and women have need for training and cooperation to improve the standard of living of their individual families. It is also a means of providing both academic and vocational training and work opportunity for people thereby reducing the unemployment rate of a nation.

There are about seven major areas of study which could help achieve lofty objectives of Home Economics and provide areas of specialization at the higher levels of Education. These are Foods and Nutrition, Home Management and family living, child development and care, clothing and textile, housing and interior decoration, and consumer education (Anyakoha, 2007).
Foods and Nutrition which is the major concern of this study is all about foods and its utilization in the body. One of the major characteristics of living things, plants and animals, man inclusive, is their struggle for existence. Right from the days of the early man, the search for Food is the major pre-occupation of mankind. He moves about looking for food. Thus, food is very important in the day-to-day life of man. Food can therefore be aptly defined as that which nourishes the body. It is any edible substance which after consumption, digestion and absorption by the body produces energy, promotes the growth and repair of the tissues and regulates all the body processes (Anyakoha, 2007). Foods are able to perform these functions because of the chemical substances they contain. These chemical substances are called nutrients. For any material to be called food therefore, it must contain at least one nutrient.
Nutrition is the combination of processes by which the living organism receives and utilizes the materials (food) necessary for the maintenance of its functions and for the growth and renewal of its components. The council on Foods and Nutrition of the American Medical Association (2005:12) defines nutrition as “the science of food, the nutrition and the substances there in, their action, interaction and balance in relation to health and disease, and the process by which the organism ingests, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes, food substances”. The science of nutrition is the study of food and its relationship to the well being of the human body, it includes: the metabolism of foods, the nutritive value of foods, and the qualitative and quantitative requirement of food at different age and developmental levels to meet physiological changes and to meet activity needs.
A pertinent question at this juncture is why do we have to study Foods and Nutrition in schools? The answer to this question is not farfetched. Foods play a paramount role in our lives. Everybody has the ambition of becoming something in life. This can only come through if we are healthy (Ene-Obong, 2001). For example it is only when a pupil or student is well fed that he can listen attentively and understands what he or she is being taught by the teacher. A hungry person will not be responsive to any form of training. In fact scientists have found that there is a strong correlation between good food and the intellectual development of human beings. Therefore, for a nation to progress, her people must be well fed. This proportion of the nutrients consumed is very important because it has been found that consumption of too much as well as inadequacy of the nutrients can have deleterious effects on the body (Ene-Obong, 2001). Hence the needs to study Foods and Nutrition in our schools.
Apart from its effect on the intellectual development of man, good nutrition also plays an important role in the maintenance of good health. People who are well fed have more resistance to diseases than those who are poorly nourished (Anyakoha, 2007). In a country where people are well fed, there will be less incidence of sickness and therefore fewer amounts will be expended on health (Cobb, 2001). Good nutrition is one of the foundations of a strong nation. Good nutrition enhances one’s appearance, efficiency and emotion well being....

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Item Type: Postgraduate Material  |  Attribute: 138 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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