This study examined the effect of rural-urban migration on agricultural production in Ukwuani Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the migrational trend in the study area. The study assessed rural farmers and migrants responses to migrational trends, category of migrants, reasons for migration and effects of migration on agriculture Data were obtained from 56 non-migrants and 55 migrants that were purposive sampled. 6 villages in the study area comprised the population and also constitutes the random sample. The instrument used was a structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Data analyzed revealed that in terms of gender, male migrate mostly and the current migrational pattern in the study area is rural-urban migration and rural-rural migration. Result showed an above average response to youths as the category of people that migrates to urban areas while responses to children and aged people were below average.  The category of people that migrates largely influence the effectiveness of agricultural productivity (x2t = 18.14, xi2 = 7.815, df= 3, p = 0.05). There is a significant relationship between socio economic characteristics of migrant and number of people that migrants out of the rural areas at (R2 = 0.74, F obtained = 4..575, DW = 2.03, P = 0.00 <0.005). The results showed that education (0.003) farm size (0.17) household size (.000) are the major determinants of migration while marital status (.334), income (.078) gender (.949) and age (.115) has inverse relationship with migration. The study encourages governmental and non-governmental agency to make the rural areas attractive in order to reduce the stemming out of able bodies people to urban in order to sustain food sufficiency and security by governmental non-governmental agency. Loans should be provided and given to the targeted non-migrant as well as provision of subsidize and appropriate technology, adequate extension service and access to mechanization to reduce drudgery in agricultural sectors. Agricultural planning in the State should be done from a good data base through good and adequate agro-statistics gathering, processing and storage/retrieval, implementation and impact assessments.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Attribute: 65 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Price: N3,000  |  Delivery: Within 2hrs


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